Famous Quotes and Poems

Here is a collection of our Crystal Children’s Famous Quotes & Poems 🙂  Please enjoy:

Crystal Child – Quote of the Day

“The Universe was created out of multiple dimensions.  The basic law of the Universe is creation.  Whatever you want to create, the Universe will answer.”

-by C1, our 8-year-old crystal child just before going to bed

Creativity (A Poem by our Crystal Child)

A person’s “creativity” is just amazing.

Some people even argue that creativity is real, not illusory.

What happens with people’s creativity?

It is very mysterious, isn’t it?

People from the past and present were able to use their creativity to convince others.

With creativity, you can even write an entire book.

In the future, this creativity is passed on.

Creativity… it can be scary at times.

–C1 (our 8-year-old crystal child)

A Person (A Poem by our Crystal Child)

If someone asks me, “Are you a person?”

I think about it twice and ask myself, “Am I really a person?”
Sometimes, I think that I am not really a person.
For now, it is okay if I call myself a person.

–C1 (our 8-year-old crystal child)

Time (A Poem by our Crystal Child)

Time will not stop forever.
When did Time start and when will it end?
It depends on Time itself.
Time will answer back if every being in the universe tells it to stop.
Will it stop if everyone wishes it to stop from the bottom of their hearts?
This depends on all of you.
–C1 (our 8-year-old crystal child)

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